General information
mesotech Scandinavia & Germany v/ dermatech-group
Juelsmindevej 57, 7120 Vejle ø, Denmark
+45 26 36 11 08
Payment is made by credit card, MobilePay or bank transfer at no extra charge.
Delivery by Post Nord in Denmark and Sweden kr. 70,- (free delivery when ordering more than kr. 5.000)
Delivery time up to 10 days from order.
Order Cancellation
As a consumer you have 14 days to cancel your order.
The cancellation period expires 14 days after you have received your order, or when you get the last item in physical possession if your order gets delivered on separate dates.
You must within 14 days of receipt notify us that you want to cancel your purchase. The notification shall be given to or by phone +45 26 36 11 08. In your message, you have to clearly inform us, that you wish to make use of your right to cancel your order.
You can not cancel your order by rejecting the delivery without giving us a clear message on the cancellation.
Return Policy
You must send your order back to us without undue delay and within 14 days after you have clearly notified us, that you want to cancel your purchase. You must pay the direct costs associated with the return shipment of the products. In order to make use of the order cancellation the products must be returned in original packaging and in unopened condition.
Certain items can by their nature not be returned by regular shipment. This applies to all digital permanent makeup machines.
Items excluded from the cancellation policy
The following products types are excluded from the cancellation policy:
- Education services, if the education or training has begun.
- Delivery of digital content (DVD), which is delivered on a physical medium.
You lose your cancellation right, if;
- you break the sealing on items, which of health or hygiene reasons not are suitable to be returned.
- you have used the permanent makeup machine.
The condition of the product, when you return it
You are only liable for any diminishing value of the product, which is caused by the handling of the product other than what is necessary to establish the nature and functionality of the product. In other words, you can test the product in the same way as if you tried it in a physical store, but you can not take it in actual use.
If the product is used beyond what has been described above, we considered is as used, which means, that you be cancelling the order only get part or none of the purchase funding in return, depending of the products commercial value.
Refunding of the purchase payment
Hvis du fortryder dit køb, får du det beløb du har indbetalt til os, tilbage. I tilfælde af en værdiforringelse, som du hæfter for, fratrækkes denne købsbeløbet.
Hvis du benytter din fortrydelsesret, refunderer vi alle betalinger modtaget fra dig, herunder leveringsomkostninger (dog ikke ekstra omkostninger som følge af dit eget valg af en anden leveringsform, end den billigste form for standardlevering, som vi tilbyder), uden unødig forsinkelse og under alle omstændigheder senest 14 dage fra den dato, hvor vi har modtaget meddelelse om din beslutning om at fortryde denne aftale. Vi gennemfører en sådan tilbagebetaling med samme betalingsmiddel, som du benyttede ved den oprindelige transaktion, medmindre du udtrykkeligt har indvilget i noget andet.
Vi kan tilbageholde tilbagebetalingen, indtil vi har modtaget varen retur, med mindre du inden da har fremlagt dokumentation for at have returneret den.
If you regret your purchase, the products must be sent to:
Juelsmindevej 57, 7120 Vejle Ø, Denmark
Du kan også fortryde købet ved at give tydelig meddelelse og aflevere den personligt på ovenstående adresse.
Vi modtager hverken pakker uden omdeling eller pakker sendt pr. efterkrav.
The provisions of the Buying Code on defects may apply to goods purchases.
When you shop with us as a consumer, you have 24 months of warranty. This means that you can either get the item repaired, exchanged, the money back or refusal in the price, depending on the specific situation. It is a requirement that the complaint is justified and that the defect has not arisen due to incorrect use of the product or other damaging behavior.
You must advertise within "reasonable time" after you have discovered the defect of the item. If you advertise within two months after the defect has been discovered, the complaint will always be timely.
If your complaint is warranted, we will refund your (reasonable) shipping costs. The item must always be returned in proper packaging and remember to receive a receipt for shipping so that we can refund your shipping costs.
The product must be sent to:
mesotech Scandinavia & Gerany,
Juelsmindevej 57, 7120 Vejle ø, Danmark
When you return the item, please describe the problem as detailed as possible.
We do not receive packages without shipment or packages sent per. COD.
Privacy Policy
In order for you to enter into an agreement with us, we need the following information:
Name, address, telephone number, cvr number and e-mail address.
We make the registration of your company / personal data for the purpose of delivering the item to you.
Personal data are registered with Kjaersfeldt Permanent Makeup and stored for five years after which the information is deleted.
The data manager at is Kjaersfeldt Permanent Makeup.
Your information is not disclosed or sold to third parties.
As registered with LaBina Denmark v / Kjaersfeldt Permanent Makeup, you are always entitled to object to the registration. You also have the right to understand what information is registered about you. These rights are in accordance with the Personal Data Act and you can contact:
If you want to complain about your purchase, please contact Aleksandra Kjaersfeldt at 26361108 or
Handelsbetingelserne er senest opdateret den 24.08.2017